Redefining Me//Allow Me Reintroduce Myself

in GEMS2 years ago

Has anyone ever told you "you're just human, thus, can't be perfect?" Well! That's true except for the fact that you're the best version of you. Most times we introduce ourselves with a little bit of negativity, often to prove that we are still flesh and blood who aren't perfect. Have I ever told you a lot of those negative traits about me;Maybe when I first introduced myself? Nevertheless, allow me to reintroduce myself. I'm David, which means "beloved" in Hebrew, I'm loved and that's the first thing to know about me.

Where are you the happiest?

I love to hang out with friends to play a game, go swimming, or visit a tourist area. I feel happier when I visit a new place to explore. Visiting a place that increases my knowledge gives me joy knowing I was adding to my existing knowledge. I still remember how happy I was when I visited a spring that has both cold and hot parts in the southwest, a story was told about how it came to existence, even though it was superstitious, I couldn't stop to think of it. I love places that gives room for exploitation

What positive traits can you bring to a team?

One good thing about me is that I'm a fast thinker, I'm able to think of several possible solutions to a problem within a few minutes. That's not all, I can multitask and I meet up with time for any task. I was trained in school as a receptionist and a manager. I can handle anything on management, be it human resources, or material and I'm good with public relations.

Image designed by me

What is something positive about you that some might see as negative?

I heal faster. Alright, most times people expect to see me worried over a situation for long or probably go moody but I don't. I brace up myself and move on, and this process of healing happens so fast. I'm never sad when others expect me to be and I don't allow myself to cry over what I can't change. I lost a huge sum of money, the next minute I'm laughing and all happy like nothing happened, get disappointed and I'm not worried. This trait makes me forgive people almost immediately whether or not they ask for it, sometimes people feel the pain should be what should drives me to learn or push harder but I chose to heal instead of hold on to pain

What has been/is your favorite positive surprise about Hive?

That it pays, It's as simple as that. When I never believed there's a platform that pays for writing content, hive proved me wrong. It came as a surprise when I got my first credit alert from my sell. It motivated me to do more and also learn in the process. I am becoming a better writer each day ever since hive proved its genuineness and gave me room for commitment.

Finally, each day I discover a better me I never knew a day before.


Visiting new places are one of a kind feelings, even me too, It's always excite me and i will be looking left and right trying to feeds my eyes with all the beautiful things around.

It's good to know we share same interest. It's actually interesting adding knowledge

Yes bro, is true, do have a wonderful day ahead

You too 💕

Healing as fast as you can is a gift, my friend. Some people wallow in pain while others just can't let go.

I like to visit places too just like you. Experiencing new places and cultures is always a thrill.

Now with those special qualities about you, I want you on my team. We could use an energetic problem solver like you.


Hahaha. Good to know we share some qualities and thanks for the ecency point.

And for the team, which team are you part of?🤗

Our team is called the ‘underdog’.

On hive here?

Yes. The encency-dreemport challenge.

When I lost money or something valuable to me, though I might get worried at first but soon, I am out of it because I know my moodiness cannot bring it back again. So, life goes on and I am someone who forgives quickly because I don't know when the owner of life would come and it would be bad having unforgiving heart. So, things like this, I heal faster and I am glad we are on the same page here. I came from Dreemport 😎

You gave a good point there. No one knows what will happen the next few minutes, it's important that we forgive at all times. Thanks for sharing

Multi tasking is a quality I admire very well in the qualities you mentioned above. The world we live now needs things done with at a fast pace . I also love your forgiving spirit. Kudos to you

I learned multitasking from my grandma who was the busy type and I'm glad I did, it has helped save me a lot of stress. Thanks a lot for your comment, you can hire me anytime you need someone for multitasking

Such and interesting piece, one that I didn't think will finish, but sadly the ink gave up it's ghost. However, before it did, I think it performed an absolutely nice job with this masterpiece.

And by the way, the question of: "What positive trait can you bring to the Team?" just sounds like a Job interview 😀 I believe if it were a job interview, you'll get the job with your response. Because being a fast thinker, bringing up solutions, multi-tasking and human/resources management are great traits.

Greetings brother 🙏
Dreemport led me to you 🥰

Thank You bro, I do remember to say that in an interview

Yay! 🤗
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It motivated me to do more and also learn in the process. I am becoming a better writer each day ever since hive proved its genuineness and gave me room for commitment.

Great to read 👍

Thank You, I'm glad it interest you