Recuerdo donde existió un volcán en ecuador. /I remember where a volcano existed in Ecuador.

in GEMS3 years ago

Los recuerdos son muy lindos hoy viendo mis álbum de fotos ya que se me a hecho un poco difícil salir a buscar imágenes para compartir con ustedes debido que e tenido dolores de mi columna y debo mantenerme en reposo con tratamiento para poder superar mis dolores . Estas imágenes fueron tomadas en un viaje que realice a ecuador en el año 2014 y fui donde existió un volcán hace muchísimo años el cual quedó inactivo y unos pobladores están usando ese lugar para la agricultura.

The memories are very nice today looking at my photo album since it has been a bit difficult for me to go out to look for images to share with you because I had pain in my spine and I must stay at rest with treatment to be able to overcome my pain. These images were taken on a trip to Ecuador in 2014 and I went where a volcano existed many years ago which was inactive and some people are using that place for agriculture.

Este es el lugar dónde existió el volcán y actualmente están siendo usados para la agricultura.

This is the place where the volcano existed and is currently being used for agriculture.

Todas estas imágenes son de mi autoría, y fueron tomadas con mi cámara canon.

All these images are my own, and were taken with my canon camera.


@edgargonzalez, It's really important to relive Old Memories. Take care and stay blessed.

thanks for your support friend @chireerocks I wish you are well as well as your family. if memories is something very nice that a person has. Have a happy night and may God take care of you.

Welcome and thank you so much for your kind wishes.

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 34 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!