Sueldos y pensiones de mi país son los más bajos del mundo. / Salaries and pensions in my country are the lowest in the world.

in GEMS3 years ago

Apreciada comunidad hoy les muestro después de 1 año esperando la orden del seguro social para poder aperturar la cuenta de mi pensión y así comenzar a cobrar mi pensión por incapacidad debido a que fui incapacitado por el seguro social debido a que tengo 3 hernias en mi columna y me impedía cumplir con el trabajo que desempeñaba en mi lugar de trabajo y mi sorpresa es que por la pensión voy a recibir cada mes un total de 1.200.000 ( 0.60$ ) cómo lo dice el papel que introduje en el banco Banesco y eso no me alcanza ni para comprar un kilo de harina. Mi país Venezuela es el país que tiene el sueldo más bajo del mundo debido a la corrupción y las malas políticas del gobierno que solo lo que le a importado es aferrarse al poder sin importarle las personas, razón por la cual yo hago cosas que no debo hacer por mi problema de saludo arriesgandome de caer en cama y no caminar más pero la situación que se vive en este país nos obliga a todos a hacer algo para poder sobrevivir. Gracias a esta plataforma muchos venezolanos y también de otros países han encontrado una gran ayuda y así llevar una vida diferente.

Dear community, today I show you after 1 year waiting for the social security order to open my pension account and thus start collecting my disability pension because I was disabled by social security because I have 3 hernias in my spine and it prevented me from fulfilling the work that I carried out in my workplace and my surprise is that for the pension I am going to receive a total of 1,200,000 ($ 0.60) each month, as the paper that I introduced in the Banesco bank says and that I can't even buy a kilo of flour. My country Venezuela is the country that has the lowest salary in the world due to corruption and bad government policies that only what has mattered is clinging to power without caring about people, which is why I do things that I should not do for my health problem risking falling into bed and not walking anymore but the situation in this country forces us all to do something to survive. Thanks to this platform, many Venezuelans and also from other countries have found great help and thus lead a different life.

Esperando mi turno en las afuera del banco.

Waiting for my turn outside the bank.

Todas estas fotos fueron tomadas con mi teléfono celular ZTE maven2.

All these photos were taken with my ZTE maven2 cell phone.


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 44 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

Hey @edgargonzalez, here is a little bit of BEER from @pixresteemer for you. Enjoy it!

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It's such a good thing you are able to make $30 for snapshots of yourself buying huge piles of animal flesh in styrofoam containers. You are living a life of consumerism and waste, decimating the Venezuelan ocean of life, and begging the world to pay the bill. You and your "I can't get the basic basket" nonsense, year after year. Shame on you and your family members, each with multiple accounts here, sucking the reward pool for every drop of money you can, the same crappy photos and nonsensical 3 or 4 sentences. That's the life, taking a picture on your smart phone every day, and being paid $5 to $40 for a few minutes of "work", complaining your country is the worst off in the world, then heading to the supermarket to spend your riches. Gross, dude. You have become a disgusting shell of the person you once were. I miss the man I met, growing fruit to save his family's life. Now a shameful fat government-obeying drone who uses a formula of ebegging to rape the blockchain for personal reward. I am sad I believed in you and bought your family a water pump - which you just pocketed the money for! I worked for 2 years on this blockchain to earn you that money, and you just laughed and spent it on junk food. Now you're pretending you've got it worse off than anyone else in the world? You Venezuelans are living it up and wouldn't last a day in Canada without your south-American privilege.