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RE: Never Ending Challenge: Music & Stories

in GEMS4 years ago (edited)

Life was more simple before we had communities :) Communities is all fine and good, but somehow we still dont have it figured out how this all will work with the money element added to it. It seems its very hard to create real communities. Many are driving by money as you can see many music posts goes into GEMS thinking they''ll get the votes from the 3 big whale accounts.

Anyways, dont want to think of all of that, and like to concentrate on the good parts of HIVE and some of the members that I value, like you :)

BTW, do you attract new regular visitors to your blog posts going through the different communities?

I dont have that experience. Best way to attract new users is still going to other users posts, read and comment and when possible get into a conversations. My follow list is still too large, but am cleaning it up bit by bit. When done so, I plan to concentrate on that channel to get more interactive again. Somehow cant wait until thats done, but need considerable time to go through the list, clean it, and categorise the users. Thats said, the main reason I do want to concentrate on my follow list, is that I do the same at other social media like FB and Insta (both closed to the outside world, only for friends and people I know) and loving it. The rest of HIVE can be part of a black hole imho :)

Thanks for thinking of the -Q- community. I do hope it will slowly develop into a real community with interesting content and even more valuable interactions. I so think we can create this when sharing our own personal stories of whatever sort, since its the personal touch that makes humans connect :)

BTW: sorry for the late reply, as you know, I was ot of the country and though I planned to be connected to HIVE, I decided when arrived at Ibiza a little less than two weeks ago, to not open my laptop at all.


do you attract new regular visitors to your blog posts going through the different communities?

yes, I have found few new folks sharing similar devotion for music and art.

My follow list is still too large, but am cleaning it up bit by bit. When done so, I plan to concentrate on that channel to get more interactive again.

it sounds like a good plan, perhaps I will also start doing so.

No problem with the late answer because in the last week or more I was also out of internet, today is my first connected day again. I failed with #a-zmusic daily challenge on the letter Z, lol. Weekly delay on the last day hehe.