A Fragrant Rhododendron Walk through the Wood

in GEMS2 years ago (edited)

Walking through the wood, it was a lovely surprise to find a few beautiful rhododendrons bushes and other colourful flowers scattered about.

The woodland area is a popular spot for rhododendrons and azaleas.

From May/ June time, the flowers are a lovely sight. Unfortunately, rhododendron bushes can be a problem as they can suffocate other plants such as bluebells and young trees.

Thankfully, most of the woods and forests in this area just have a few rhododendron and azalea bushes to brighten the area up. They don't take over the area.

We sat down for awhile on the wooden bench we found that was surrounded by rhododendron flowers.

Some bluebells are hanging in there but most are getting to the end of their life now.

We also saw some interesting art work amongst the flowers.

It was a lovely, colourful scented walk. Oh and by the way, I've no idea whether they're rhododendrons or azaleas. I'm just winging it! 😀


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Wow! Lovely flowers with such wonderful colours! Fantastic woods!