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RE: Memoir Monday - Week 4: My biggest decision: to stay in Venezuela

in GEMS2 months ago

Your family is so lucky to have you, Nancy. What a warrior you are! I'm sorry that you've all had to go through the struggles because of politicians and the failing economy but am happy you've found Steemit/Hive.

My decision was the opposite of yours, I almost wrote about it during my Week 4 prompt. I chose to move away from my family in 1995. Although I found success in my career and I've kept close with my family the decision will always haunt me. I've been able to help them quite a bit financially but we're lucky if we see each other two times a year. That part has been a real struggle. As much as I try to be a part of the younger relative's lives there's just too much distance. You have made the right decision. If I had it to do all over again I would probably choose differently. When you're young you feel as though time is unlimited, now almost thirty years have passed since I've left.

This is a wonderful contribution you've made to Memoir Monday, thank you for it. Have a wonderful weekend!


Yuuuuuuupi!!!! My friend, I'm happy because this is the first time you read and comment on a post of mine. I am pleasantly surprised. Thank you.
I didn't say it in my post but I've had the opportunity to leave over the years, but after thinking about it, I always say no. Just in 2022, I had the chance to leave, but a passport problem stopped me. How much of a coincidence is that? How much is causality in this life? Anyway, I am infinitely grateful that Hive is here and that there are people like you. A strong and sincere hug, my friend

I'm sorry I've never commented before! We started seriously considering moving away from the US between 2016 and 2018 but it just never worked out. Now, it's more difficult than ever to do so. I guess there are, sometimes, unforeseen reasons that only reveal themselves later. I hope you're enjoying your weekend! The snow is finally all melted here and spring is on our doorstep!

That is excellent news! With spring comes endless possibilities and better weather to do everyday things. A hug