Time for Gayo "Des Kusi"

in GEMS4 years ago


Gayo's domestic affairs are indeed complex. Especially the issue of the leadership crisis. Finding the right person to become the regent of Bener Meriah and Central Aceh in 2022-2027 turns out to be as difficult as catching smoke.

Indeed, many politicians are evasive on the pretext that "the Netherlands is still far away" but the fact is that until today there has not been an equal figure with Abuya Syarkawi in Bener Meriah and Shabela AB in Central Aceh.

The leadership figure crisis today is the fruit of previous figures who did not regenerate; both among politicians, bureaucrats, and entrepreneurs. The figures that appear today have almost no "line of command" from the previous character.

The "culture of raising friends" has disappeared from Malem Dewa earth since 1961 or after the outbreak of the DI / TII war. Within the "Darul Islam Fighters" itself there were many factions, especially if they were matched by nationalists and communists. Next, one person is trying to rise, many are trying to pull him down.

In fact, in the mid-1940s, Muhammad Hasan Gayo and Tengku Ilyas Leube mobilized Gayo youth to migrate to Jakarta and Surabaya. Dozens of youths have successfully supported each other to move forward together in achieving their goals. From that generation many figures were born; from politicians to artists.

Artist and painter Chairul Bahri said, “We used to be united! Although we differ in ideological views; Even Islam, nationalists, and communists are not things to break the ties. "

Chairul Bahri is a cadre from Hasan Gayo and Tengku Ilyas Leubee was the first to translate the book "Pinocchio" from Italian into Indonesian. He is also the creator of the Panca Cita symbol, the current symbol of Aceh governance.

An unpopular fact, namely the current crisis of leaders and figures will emerge through public testing through intense discussions, especially at the coffee shop, which really helps to overcome the gloom of Gayo being led by an ordinary person.

"Discussion" or discussion can be translated as interaction in a group to get a good and correct and relatively similar understanding of a topic that will then be taken from the recommendations that focus on the theme being discussed.

So, if you have “des” or the same way of thinking and behaving, then “kusi” or wherever it is taken will be successful. Strictly speaking, the more intensively Gayo has "discussion", the faster the crisis of leaders and figures in the country with diaspora faces will be resolved.

Mendale, Aceh Sumatra, Indonesia

This article is a free translation of my writing which has already been posted on other social media and local newspapers.