How to Deal with Locust Invasion?

in GEMSlast month

I haven't experienced a major locust invasion in real life, but it's a good metaphor for what I'm talking about.

And in theory, we've all seen how they operate... They move into an area, eat everything there's to eat (not half of it), then leave for the next one.


Thinking about something else (I'll leave it at a metaphor level and everyone understands what they want), I searched to see how real locust invasions are combated, and searched "How to deal with locust invasions?".

This is one of the top results. And it gives us 9 ways to deal with them when they attack crops.

Some methods involve killing them, but poison is still poison for everyone and everything, but maybe it doesn't kill you (right away?).

Other methods I like more, and involve starving them or driving them away.

There are 4 methods in this category:

  • make noise to drive them away: I don't think this would work for the kind of pests I had in mind
  • smoke them: again, I wouldn't know what that would entail for our kind of pests
  • protect your crops with anti-locust cover: this one is sort of interesting; if they can't touch your crops, they can't eat them. But what if our metaphor is only half-suited, and maybe you'd need to allow access to the crops to other good "insects"?
  • change the crops to low-carb ones because locusts prefer high-carb crops: if they aren't interested in your crops, they don't eat them. The question is, will the "good insects" be interested in the low-carb crops?

One thing is pretty clear to me. Locusts don't leave crops behind for a later time. They come, eat everything they can, and leave when there's nothing left. The way to get rid of them is to kill them, drive them away, protect your crops, or plant something they don't prefer to eat.

I don't know if you guessed what I was referring to. Farming is a common denominator, only on opposite sides. The metaphor is only partially relevant because things are more complex in the actual situation.

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I'm not sure if you're referring to vote farming, but I'll assume you do. I think the 4 methods can actually work.

  • Make noise - call them out / reply to them about it
  • Smoke them - downvote them
  • anti cover - don't vote on them
  • low carbs - vote with 1 percent.

If it isn't about vote farming, then I don't know haha.

Nice! I wasn't referring to vote farming, but you are the closest... Your ideas to combat vote farming in accordance to how you combat locusts look pretty good to me, although some will hate the smoking part, lol. My metaphor was about farming networks for our popular game in town...

Ah, then I doubt if the methods I changed above would work as well.

If we make noise or smoke them, it means we’d have to keep doing this continuously. I’ve not seen an anti locust cover before though
How does it look like?

If we make noise or smoke them, it means we’d have to keep doing this continuously

You have a point. Maybe with real locusts they go away to other places and settle there, and don't return to your place.

How does it look like?

Check here. Like a mesh.

It's an interesting thing to consider and I remember hearing about locusts every now and then in novels, manga and anime. They sure are annoying insects and I honestly don't think those 4 solutions will really help. I don't really think they would avoid the low crop stuff either if they start becoming hungry.

I don't really think they would avoid the low crop stuff either if they start becoming hungry.

The idea is a bit selfish here: to avoid your crops and move on to the crops of others.

I am worried more about bed bugs, it gives me lots of nervousness to think there could be bugs in your bed.

Now that you mention it, I don't like that possibility either, especially since some can be very small and easily missed.

This is so resourceful man... These locusts can be a total pain in the butt.... Thanks for sharing man... Looking forward to your next blog 🥰🥰🥰🥰💯💯

Two comments so far, and neither of you noticed it's a metaphor, lol.

😂😂😂😂 wow ..... That's messed up , when you said metaphor I immediately got it. my mistake was that I took it to literally from the beginning... I really have to get good at this 😂😂😂

Hello @gadrian. I really enjoyed reading about your Locust post. Thank for the link to the 9 Effective Ways to Control Locusts
I am reading the details now.
Locusts are such bizarre creatures and how they will travel in huge clouds and wipe out crops. They must communicate well to do this and aren't stupid. I like Monarch Butterflies much better and they don't destroy anything and I am not meaning any offense to your Locust article. Monarch Butterflies travel thousands of miles from the Eastern USA to South America and from South America back to the Eastern USA! They must communicate somehow and have intelligence that we do not yet understand. Even though Locust are creepy and destructive it is still amazing how tiny bugs communicate somehow and in someway. Flocks of birds such as starlings almost must communicate in a way not yet well known to man. Have a great week! Barb !BBH !CTP #ctp

Yeah, nature produces all sort of wonders... But it looks like everybody read my post literally...

Yes, Nature sure does have many wonders we don't even know @gadrian. I have read that the scientists on earth know more about outer space than our own planet! Oh, that's cool that everyone was interested in your Locust Invasion article! 😊👍🌟

I have never seen such an insect before, and having seen it has greatly increased my knowledge, and I shall endeavor to look for it when I go into the village.

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