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RE: The 100-Day Project, Day 36 - Another Swing and a Miss!

in GEMS2 months ago

Glad to see you pressing on. I've got my biggest challenge yet coming up. We're taking the grandkids to France for the Easter weekend. I've bought them sketchbooks so they can keep a travel diary if they fancy it so maybe I could do a few scribbles in there. Posting about it will be the bigger challenge. A single sentence and a pic may have to surffice.


Wow... that'll be a challenge, allright!

But remember, creativity is supposed to be fun, as well. Hang out with those grandkids! The art will still be there when you get back home!

Have a great time!

Thanks. It's an interesting process isn't it? Sometimes the project becomes a "thing" it's own right and the main point of it, the cretivity, takes a back seat.

What I'd really like to do is experiment with coddiwompling my way through it but I notice I'm pretty attached to not missing a post and it feels like I have to control that, Just to make sure it gets done. 😂