Wonderful turtle and tortoise in the world:Episode-08

in GEMS4 years ago (edited)

Hello friends ,now i am going to continue the eight no. episode of my serial posting on "wonderful turtle and tortoise in the world"

Have a look-

Wonderful turtle and tortoise in the world:Episode-08
Cantor's giant softshell turtle (Pelochelys cantorii)


Cantor's giant softshell turtle is one of the most gigantic turtle among the all turtles.It grows about 6 feet long.This kind of species names after giant softshell due to it's gigantic size.It is broad in it's size.and It's two tiny eyes is situated near the snout.It is something queer that this turtle spends his 95% life in the sand or mud under the feshwater rivers and streams.This kind of turtle makes a camouflage of motionless to caught prey under the water.It comes on the surface of water twice a day to take breath.

Most of the time it stays under the water, waiting for a careless crustacean or fish to hunt and makes it's own lunch. Like so many species, the Cantor's giant softshell turtle is listed as endangered.



I never saw this type of turtle before. They are wired but beautiful!

exactly its weird but nice.