my yesterday walk in the nature and photography

in GEMS4 years ago

park yesterday (5).jpg

photography in nature

hello friends, i was in this park yesterday , before i paint my digital art you can see in the previous post
that dog in the basket , i went to this park to take a walk , a short walk honestly and i back home ,and started my work to paint . i took some pictures to show you my time in the nature and hope you enjoy to watch my photography , we were making good time in this short time with my friend

park yesterday (7).jpg

park yesterday (4).jpg

park yesterday (2).jpg

park yesterday (1).jpg

park yesterday (9).jpg

park yesterday (13).jpg

park yesterday (12).jpg

H ? hand writing of nature

i saw this suddenly , it wrote H , nature's hand writing

park yesterday (11).jpg

park yesterday (10).jpg

beautiful flowers of Spring

these flowers are so beautiful, i love them , and i love when i see and smell them in spring

park yesterday (16).jpg

park yesterday (15).jpg

park yesterday (14).jpg

park yesterday (6).jpg

park yesterday (18).jpg

thanks for watching , wish you a wonderful day ! ! :)


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