Last Bit of Kuching and with my Family!

in GEMS8 months ago

After spending 8 days back home, it was time to leave my hometown, Kuching to return back to Kuala Lumpur.

With a reluctant heart, we slowly started our journey back. Before we left the house, we tried to take some photos with my mum and dad.

Well not all cooperated because my secondborn suddenly did not want to be in the photos. So my sister had to photoshopped him in. Hahahha.

Luckily my firstborn is extra sporting this time. There was an age when he too avoided the camera. Here is a nice one of him and his grandma.

Another with both grandpa and grandma.

So all of us had a nice photo with my parents but without the boy.

I took a photo of our dog, Heypie as he is my secondborn's favorite pet.

Passing by some Kuching landmarks on the way to the airport which is a Hornbill statue as Sarawak is the state of hornbills.

My dad hugging his two grandsons before we left. Awww... so heartwarming to see this.

My youngest sister was good in capturing some momemts with the camera adverse boy so she managed to catch him, though with his cheeky look.

We then bumped into an old school friend in the airport. He is my schoolmate but he has some common topic with my husband so they chatted.

We ate a quick snack. Finally it was time to board the plane so we were walking towards our plane.

In the plane boarded and seated finally. It has been tiring to repack and to go home.

So it is also very tiring for this little boy.

I looked out the window and try to just take in every moment I had with my family the past 8 days. It had been so wonderful and I know I may not see them for a while due to my inconvenience to travel during my later pregnancy and also post delivery. My parents do not travel much so the only way for us to see them is for us to go back home.

Will definitely miss my parents and sisters and brother. I know we cannot meet often now due to distance but we make every bit of our time together counts. Family times are indeed #gems!


Me alegra ver la linda familia y la felicidad que trasciende 🍃