Urban Protagonists

in GEMS4 years ago

A city shows itself through its people, but the urban experience conveys the true essence of how that particular society works. What in the street is lived, in some way, represents that set of ideas and people behaviours, especially their particular way of thinking and acting.

In this way different thinking and living among people become intertwined, debating between what "right" is and what is not. Thus, people manage to acquire their own version of life, under their own schemes and parameters, each one choosing to take positions before the controlling interests of the system, while others just follow the order of their own structures, and thus establish them.

They exercise their authority based on empirical knowledge acquired in the wild, giving these people a special power and a great mystery, and few have access. I the street more can be learned than can be taught about democracy and society in high schools and chairs. It is a form of protest, and for this reason many of these people are Urban Protagonists.





I captured these images using a Canon EOS 700D reflex camera.

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