Fotografía Clínica - Diente Temporal - Clinical Photography - Temporary Tooth

in GEMS4 years ago (edited)
Hola a toda la comunidad, el día de ayer se comunicó conmigo un paciente, que se tragó literalmente la corona temporal de un incisivo lateral superior derecho (12).

Hello all the community, yesterday I was contacted by a patient, who literally swallowed the temporary crown of an upper right lateral incisor (12).


Al realiza el examen clínico, se obseva la raíz y la terminación donde se sostenía la corona, incluso el perno intraradicular estaba ausente.

On clinical examination, the root and the termination where the crown was held are observed, even the intraradicular pin was absent.


Se procedió a realizar un diente temporal de acrílico autocurado, se coloca un ping provisional intraradicular para darle retención a la corona,
Y luego con una matriz del diente de celuloide faltante se rellena con acrílico y se une al pin provisional se espera a que frague y se talla quitandole los excesos, se chequea la oclusión que no quede alta, con los dientes inferiores, se pule y se cementa con un cemento temporal.

A temporary self-healing acrylic tooth was made, a temporary intraradicular ping was placed to give retention to the crown,
And then with a matrix of the missing celluloid tooth is filled with acrylic and attached to the temporary pin is expected to set and carved removing the excesses, check the occlusion is not high, with the lower teeth, is polished and cemented with a temporary cement.


Este procedimiento duró aproximadamente 1 hora y media, debido a la cuarentena los laboratorios no estan trabajando y al paciente hay que resolverle la urgencia, en este caso se realizó con la salvedad de que debe tener cuidado de no morder con ese diente nada tostado para evitar su desprendimiento.

This procedure lasted approximately 1 hour and a half, due to the quarantine the laboratories are not working and the patient must be dealt with urgently, in this case it was done with the exception that you must be careful not to bite with that not at all toasted tooth to avoid its detachment.


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If you liked the information and the publication you can support me with your vote and a comment, if you want you can follow me, any doubt or question I am here to help you.

By @helengutier2


Fotos Originales CRO Odontoven
Cámara: Huawei Y6II
Programa Editor: Foto Collage.


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