Analog Portraits with NIKON FM 10 (35mm film)

in GEMS4 years ago


Analog photography is fun, I can’t express this enough you compose a shot then press the shutter and you expect the certain image in your head but when you get the scans from lab it turns out completely different and believe me sometimes it comes the way better, I love to call this effect the analog magic .
So today I want to share with you few of my analog portraits of my beautiful friend Roxana she is a talented musician, I took these shots with my NIKON FM 10 with fix 50mm lens. The main challenge with this camera is focus since it is a manual focus camera and as you can clearly see some of my shots are not in perfect focus.





These days I’m trying to explore different angels and different styles of portraits and want to find some unique point of view because I’m tired of looking at beautiful portraits I need something more than just beautiful!


Pan-031 (1).jpg

For this photoshoot I used ilford pan 400 which is a premium black and white film and developed it by an independent photography lab called DARSTUDIO here in Tehran, hope you like my shots if you want to purchase my shots please leave a comment I’ll be in touch with you, have a wonderful day!


Nice pictures!

glad you liked them \m/