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RE: Here's Why I am Thankful.

in GEMS2 months ago

because having too many expectations from anything in life can lead to a potential disaster. I've fallen too much in life, so I don't want have the mindset that I'm going to win. This does not imply that I am now hopeless; rather, it means that I have low expectations.

This being realistic, and it's not hopeless at all to stop aiming to win all the time. Sometimes, we need to acknowledge our falls and losses as experiences that teach us to manage our expectations and to be grateful for what we already have.


You're right, well being realistic helps, I know we should be all about ambitions and plans, but sometimes it's just important to acknowledge reality in whatever we do, and pray and hope it pans out for us. Nothing bad being a realistic, it's not pessimism

True Jose, I couldn't agree more!🌺