GEMS in the Wild

in GEMS2 years ago

Hola beautiful souls of Hive and members of this bustling community, GEMS! I trust that you are all doing and feeling great today :)

This is my first post here and I would love to share some of the many fascinating finds in the woods or should I say, in the wild and I consider them as nature's gems.

These are found in our area, so I am not sure if there are any given names for them, but for the sake of identification, I have given them my own :)

1. Let me name this "The Lily Tree."

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This first was photographed on a different occasion just to show the buds.

These are by no means domesticated or planted by anyone. They grow on their own and bloom at their moments.

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Photos were taken while on a hike up the hill one late afternoon last month.

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The tree grows tall, probably around 10 feet or even higher.

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2. And I call these the "Drooping Minis"

Another type of wild branch or tree that blooms and the tiny flowers droop down.


Here they are, with the buds opening up. Ain't they beautiful?


3. I call these "The Magic Jade"

These are found in the woods too. I have not seen these growing in the middle of a farm or any field. They grow up to only 2 feet or less.


It is amazing that those green fruits are actually the plant's buds. And when they open up, they would look like these below. Tiny flowers with intricate yellow pollens on the inside.



4. These, on the other hand, I gotta call them "Crawlers"

Basically, they are weeds that grow almost everywhere. They are vine-type and they crawl on soils and even on branches of plants or anything around them. Their flowers are absolutely beautiful though.



When the flowers dry, pods will come out and they easily stick with whatever they come in contact with like clothing and they are quite difficult to take off.


5. The "Virus!"

They look so harmless, but once they open up, and their pollens dry, winds help scatter them around and before we know it, they are growing all over the place.



Their flowers are beautifully detailed and I'm always in awe every time I see them.


When I shared one of the photos before, someone commented they look like a virus under a microscope, hence the name, LOL!


As a lover of nature, I find these fascinating and magical in their own ways. Although some of them are weeds and quite destructive to farm plants or vegetables, I still adore their beauty and appreciate the aura they provide.

Thank you for reading me and hopefully, you enjoyed them too :)

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They are all true gems in the wild, sis. And the virus has an interesting shape. They really look like particles on a microscope, lol

Many thanks, sis! And yes, the virus flowers appear like those viruses or bacteria under a microscope, LOL!

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To support your work, I also upvoted your post!

Fantastic flower close ups. It will be my pleasure to feature this post in my next upvote giveaway for better visibility :) Keep up the good work.

Oh wow, thank you for your consideration and I will do my best :)