Challenge - Stay home, share 3 travel photos (Day 11)

in GEMS4 years ago

Greetings. This is my eleven post for this excellent initiative where we share three pictures from our trips. It's a good way to relieve the tensions created by the prolonged quarantine.

Below I share with you my three pictures.


Challenge Day 11

First trip

Cata Bay

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The first picture corresponds to a trip to the Cata Bay, on the coast of Aragua. The children you see in the photo are my grandchildren, who live in another city about 800 km from mine. For them and for me, going to the beach is one of our favourite walks. Every time they have the opportunity to come and visit me we try to go to the beautiful Cata beach, every walk is different, and in each one we experience something special. That picture is made with the high key technique. In this type of photography we try to leave only the essential in the image so that the motive can be highlighted. I really like this style of photography. The technique is not very complicated, but it requires a software to process images. This one I did with Photoshop CS4.

Second trip

The summit sector


The second picture is of a trip made to the summit sector, leaving the city of Maracay, on the road to Choroni. Maracay is surrounded in its northern part by the mountains of the Henri Pittier Park. There are two roads that go up the mountain, this is one of them. In the hot season many people travel a few kilometers to climb up to this area, where the climate becomes very pleasant, it is the area of cloud forest. During the rainy season you can enjoy the fog all day long. Climbing the mountain is a simple walk that the inhabitants of my city enjoy very much.

Third trip

The beach


The third picture is another memorable trip made to the coast of Aragua. In this opportunity I had the fortune to share with my daughter, my son and my grandchildren. There are very few occasions when we can all get together to make this kind of trip, for them and for me these are very special moments. My children, as well as my grandchildren, have known the beach since they were very young, which is why they are very fond of it. These trips are very much appreciated by us, a great opportunity to share as a family and strengthen the bonds that unite us. For us, each trip is an opportunity to share as a family and strengthen the bonds that unite us.

Translated with (free version)

Take care, stay at home and share your pictures in this challenge. I invite my friends to participate @crisangel, @manuelramos, @monster-one, @mballesteros, @evagavilan, @marcybetancourt. Stop by their blogs to see nice pictures and read great stories.

I invite all the friends of HIVE to participate in this excellent initiative.

The challenge was started by @psos Join us

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All your comments are welcome on this site. I will read them with pleasure and dedication.

Until the next delivery. Thank you.

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The photos, the digital edition and the Gifs are of my authorship.

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Me encantó la imagen de los niños en al arena ... quedo fantástica ... ¡hey! Te hago una pregunta, ¿tienes un hermano gemelo/morocho?

Saludos, a mí también me gusta mucho esa foto, ese efecto le cae bien. En mi corta edad mi madre nunca me ha dicho que tenga algún morocho, no creo que se le haya olvidado decírmelo, jajaja. Muchas gracias por la visita y el comentario. Abrazos.

Estupendas fotos en familia, la reseña muy buena, Dios bendiga a vuestra familia estimado @irvinc recibe nis afectos y un abrazo. 👍

Unos encuentros que no sé si podrán repetir de nuevo. Los muchachos están fuera buscando algún futuro. Muchas gracias por la visita y el comentario. Abrazos.