[ENG-ESP] Frozen una aventura congelada.

in GEMS3 years ago (edited)


Mis amigos, es esta oportunidad quiero compartir con ustedes un momento muy especial de mi vida, el cumpleaños de mi hija menor Miranda Valentina.

My friends, this time I want to share with you a very special moment in my life, the birthday of my youngest daughter Miranda Valentina.


Como les he contado anteriormente, estoy a favor y considero que celebrar el nacimiento es muy positivo para nuestros hijo y nuestra propia salud mental. Ese día es especial porque ese día nuestra vida cambió, y fue motivo de alegria y lo sguirá siendo, porque un hijo es esa parte de uno que vive fuera de uno.

As I have told you before, I am in favor and consider that celebrating the birth is very positive for our child and our own mental health. That day is special because that day our life changed, and it was a reason for joy and will continue to be because a child is that part of you that lives outside of you.


Happy birthday to your daughter, we wish her many more years to celebrate with good health

Your post have been curated by @jizzyjoe, as Hive Celebrates With You on Your Daughter's Birthday. You can join our curation trail here to celebrate with other hivans on their birthday. To know more please check our Introduction post.

Hi, it sounds nice, I will check on it. Thank you

You are welcome, I hope you do. !wine do have a nice day