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RE: Getting Older and Breaking Down

in GEMS3 years ago

I love life and living and my age has never bothered me. That doesn't mean I am not totally aware that my body is faltering with age and bad habits. My spirit is fine though and my exploration is more mental than physical now. I've never lost my curiosity and I keep wanting to know more.... well.... more good stuff. The bad stuff I could live happily with not knowing more about... know what I mean??

Lovely flowers.


I agree. Age has only ever been a number to me. I forget my age some days but, that is only because many of my physical habits haven't changed much over the years. I still walk as many miles and more as I ever did, but, of course, that is a habit, and maybe I crawl it and am not aware! :))

Curiosity is another thing. I think I am more curious now than I was when I was younger, but, that is probably due to the more knowledge I have to be curious about.

I am with you on the bad stuff. I like to be aware, but, not dwell on it, otherwise, that would weigh on me... Thank you so much and I hope that you are having an amazing day! xoxo

Happy Sunday!