The Castle in Ruins // STORY

in GEMS4 years ago

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The prince's two sons were grimacing when they arrived at the castle. The vast gardens looked years of neglect. He was not as majestic as described in the legends and stories told by the lullaby before he went to sleep.

The prince went to tour the gardens in the company of his servants, accompanied by a lawyer who had the letter of attorney where he was appointed administrator. The Castle belonged to the neighboring region, now completely ruined economically.

The children entered the castle, they did not want to be bored with those business talks they never understood. Their father told them to walk carefully through the corridors. Inside they found only stained walls and dirty floors. They were not happy about the future home.

It looked like the lair of a wretch and not a castle worthy of heirs to the crown. The further they walked, the greater the disappointment. They remembered the stories they heard about what that vast palace was, which had once housed the finest families in the entire kingdom. Heroic knights, artists and kings from all over the world were guests of such a renowned place.

They stumbled upon a pile of wooden spoadas, used to train the princes from far away lands. They grabbed their swords and began to play. They dreamed of learning all the arts of battle and conquering whole villages. The eldest was defeated by his younger brother. They both heard a laugh coming from a table in the middle. They sneaked up on each other...

A tiny man ran out, was hidden under the table and was now heading towards the main corridor. The children were nimble, with wooden swords they subdued him. The dwarf was crying out for mercy, he would not want to be killed. The little princes told him to calm down, they would not hand him over to the guards escorting his father, but he had to tell them who he was and what he was doing there. They were the new owners of the castle.


Los dos hijos del príncipe tenian una mueca de asco cuando llegaron al castillo. Los extensos jardines lucian años de abandono. No era tan majestuso como lo describían las leyendas y cuentos que les contaba la nana antes de dormir.

El príncipe fue a recorrer los jardines en compañía de sus sirvientes, le acompañaba un letrado que tenia la carta poder donde lo nombraban administrador. El Castillo era de la comarca vecina, ahora totalmente arruinada económicamente.

Los niños entraron al castillo, no querían aburrirse con esas charlas de negocios que nunca entendían. Su padre les dijo que recorrieran con cuidado los pasillos. Adentro solo encontraron paredes manchadas y pisos sucios. No estaban contentos del futuro hogar.

Parecía la guarida de un miserable y no un castillo digno de herederos de la corona. Mientras mas caminaban, mayor era la decepcion. Recordaron las historias que escuchaban sobre lo que fue ese inmenso palacio, el cual albergo en el pasado, las familias más selectos de todo el reino. Heroicos caballeros, artistas y reyes de diversas partes del mundo, fueron huéspedes de tan renombrado lugar.

Tropezaron con una pila de espoadas de mader, usadas para entrenar a los príncipes de lejanas tierras. Agarrarton las espadas y comenzaron a jugar. Soñaban con aprender todas las artes de batalla y conquistar pueblos enteros. El mayor cayó derrotado ante su hermano pequeño. Ambos escucharon una risa que provenía de una mesa ubicada en el centro. Disimuladamente se fueron acercando...

Un diminuto hombre salió corriendo, estaba oculto debajo del meson y ahora se dirigía hacia el pasillo principal. Los niños eran agiles, con las espadas de madera lo sometieron. El enano lloraba pidiendo clemencia, no queiria que lo asesinaran. Los pequeños principitos le dijeron que se calmara, no lo entregarían a los guardias que escoltaban a su padre, pero debía decirles quien era y que hacia allí. Ellos eran los nuevos dueños del castillo.

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The dwarf told them his story, his name was Setpino and in his time he was the main buffoon of King Francis, master and lord of the castle more delumbrantes of the whole continent. I confirm to them that that place was the center of attention of the other kingdoms. Everybody loved the old King and for several decades they lived in a paradise. But everything fell apart when the monarch, feeling bored with his work, decided to appoint a servant, administrator of the palace. That servant was a terrible man from an unknown place, they called him the dark one. He lived to praise the King. Some said he was in love. That's how he took over all the affairs of the kingdom and the debacle began. The kindness disappeared, it was all fights and quarrels. Valuable people were expelled from the court because of his whims. The castle was losing the spirit of freedom and harmony. When nothing was possible to fix the situation, the nobles left the court and other kings accepted them in their environment. The evil dark servant and the king were left alone in the midst of the ruins.

The children listened in surprise to the whole story. Now they understood why the castle was destroyed. At that moment they heard the armour of the guards. Their father sent for them, he wanted them to go with him to the lake that was inside the lands. They promised the dwarf that they wouldn't say he was living there. But they would be the new owners and after they restored the palace, they would ask their father to hire him, they wanted him to continue telling the amazing stories that happened inside those walls. The little man was happy with the arrangement.

Before nightfall, the prince returned to his carriage accompanied by his two heirs. From the window of the highest tower of the castle, the dwarf watched as the children who would one day be kings walked away. And he had them in his pocket. When they moved into the castle, he would handle them for his benefit. Because the ugly and seemingly harmless dwarf was actually Setpino the Dark, a former servant who ruled the castle at will, until he left it in total ruin.

El enano les conto su historia, se llamaba Setpino y en su tiempo fue el bufon principal del Rey Francisco, amo y señor del castillo mas delumbrantes de todo el continente. Les confirmo que ese sitio era el centro de atención de los demás reinos. Todo el mundo queria al antiguo Rey y por varias décadas vivieron en un paraiso. Pero todo se desborono cuando el monarca, sintiéndose aburrido de sus labores, decidió nombrar a un sirviente, administrador del palacio. Ese sirviente, era un nefasto hombre proveniente de un lugar desconocido, le decían el oscuro. Vivia para alabar al Rey. Algunos decían que estaba enamorado. Fue asi como se hizo cargo de todos los asuntos del reino y comenzó la debacle. La amabilidad desapareció, todo era peleas y rencillas. Por sus caprichos fueron expulsados gente valiosa de la corte. El castillo fue perdiendo el espíritu de libertad y armonia. Cuando ya nada era posible que arreglara la situacion, los nobles abandonaron la corte y otros reyes los aceptaron en su entorno. El malvado sirviente oscuro y el rey quedaron solos en medio de las ruinas.

Los niños escucharon sorprendidos todo el relato. Ahora entendían porque el castillo estaba destruido. En ese momento escucharon los las armaduras de los guardias. Su padre los mando a buscar, queria que los acompañara al lago que se encontraba dentro de las tierras. Le prometieron al enano que no dierian que estaba viviendo en ese lugar. Pero ellos serian los nuevos dueños y después que restauraran el palacio, le solicitarían a su padre que lo contrataran, querían que continuara contando las asombroosas historias que ocurrieron dentro de esas paredes. El hombrecito estaba feliz con el acuerdo.

Antes de caer la noche, el príncipe regreso a su carruaje acompañado de sus dos herederos. Desde la ventana de la torre más alta del castillo, el enano observaba como se alejaban los niños que un dia seran reyes. Y alos tenía en su bolsillo. Cuando se muden al castillo, se encargaría de manipularlos para su beneficio. Porque el enano feo y aparentemente inofensivo, era en realidad Setpino el Oscuro, antiguo sirviente que gobernaba el castillo a su antojo, hasta dejarlo totalmente en ruinas.

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