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RE: A Hike and a Sunrise over a Sea of Fog

in GEMS4 years ago

One does not mind sharing the space if everyone is there to enjoy the view, cannot stand those who have to be 'heard', constantly talking!

Nightshift work takes it toll on some, others love working without clutter of daylight staff hours. As for !BEER at breakfast I have witnessed runners having beers after early morning runs, not such a good idea to my mind, each to their own....


That's right, and people who hike on a mountain at 5 in the morning are mostly like-minded. The ones who want to be heard usually come a bit later 😂

A !BEER in the morning is nothing I would want to have again - the rest of the day is ruined, but if one needs it ;)


No matter time of day, do it quietly I always say you never know what you missing when voices drown out everything else.

Life is too short to walk around groggy early in the day 😁

Very true, both of your sayings are very right, Joan 😊

Cheers and !BEER

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Hey @joanstewart, here is a little bit of BEER from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!

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