RAINBOW SIX SIEGE – Twitch Operator Guide for Beginner | R6 HIVEPEDIA #9

in GEMS4 years ago



The next guide we enter the French elite is Gendaremarie Nationale (GIGN), the elite GIGN troops have operators that are strong enough and good for you to use for beginners, I will first explain the Twitch operator Aka Emmanuelle Pichon, the twitch uses a different strategy and must be careful , because the twitch has a weapon that is quite difficult to use, other than that the skill possessed by the twitch is the best for destroying some gadgets or defender operator skills, we just go into the discussion of the twitch as an Attacker Operator.

Twitch as The Attacker Operator

The role of the twitch as an attacker depends on the conditions and situations of the enemy, sometimes the twitch is useless, but the twitch is highly feared by Mira operators, bandits and other defender operators, because the twitch has skills that make it difficult for the defender, besides that the twitch must have its own strategy in attack, because twitch has a weapon that is quite difficult, make sure you are very careful, twitch is not too important, just depends on the situation and condition of the twitch is able to disrupt defender defense.


Stats and Weapon Loadout

As I said above, the twitch has a weapon that is quite difficult to use, but if you frequently use it, you will get used to recoil, the twitch has a very powerful Marksman Rifle 417, this weapon is semi-automatic, 2 bullets only then the enemy will fall, the other main weapons possessed by the twitch are the SG-CQB Shotgun and Assault Rifle F2, this weapon is very difficult for you to use, I recommend using a Red dot or reflec type scope, because to shrink the recoil, you need a scope that is not too far, I do not recommend you use Shotgun. Twitch also has the second weapon, Handgun P9 and Handgun LFP586, I recommend you use P9, because it is not too difficult when pressed, Twitch has 2 speed status, 2 armor and 2 difficulty.


Twitch has a gadget that is almost the same as other attackers, namely Claymore and Breach Charge, I suggest you use Claymore to avoid roaming operators, because they will make rotations and try to kill you from behind, make sure you put in the right door and window, Breach Charge It doesn't really matter, but if you want to kill the roaming operator, as well as you can also use Breach Charge, make sure you hear and respond well, use the drone as often as possible to find a roaming operator.



Twitch has a skill that is quite difficult for defender, because the skill possessed by Twitch is in the form of Drone, use the best possible and be careful, because you are only given 2 shocked drones in 1 round, the weakness of this drone is different from the usual drone, shocked drone cannot jump and very slow, shocked drone can shoot 3 times, if the enemy uses Mira, you can destroy the Mira skill and other operator skills, hide the shocked drone first, destroy each camera on the road you want to pass, very simple using twitch, which you have to do only practice and practice, your aim is very decisive, thank you for reading my ninth article about the twitch guide, see you tomorrow in the next article and see you later.

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