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Howdy sir johannpiber! Sometimes I wish one didn't have to be the boss. I wish we could be equal partners but that is just a dream. lol.

Good morning @janton,
two bosses and no one to work? That's not good - one has to be the boss and the other one has to follow her orders ;) lol

Cheers and !BEER

Howdy sir johannpiber! That is exactly right. The unwritten way of the world. lol. How is it going over there, are you guys totally back to normal now as far as opening the country back up?

Good morning @janton,
I'm late with my reply, because at least my work is back to normal ;)

We are slowly back to a kind of normal, but it will never be the same as before. From June 15 we don't have to wear masks anymore, except of some defined places. Restaurants and bars are open, but they have some restrictions like distances for tables and such.

This new normal will soon be our normal normal ;)

I hope everything is alright with you and Mrs. J. and you are healthy and soon wealthy book sellers πŸ™‚

Cheers and !BEER

Howdy sir johannpiber! You say that things will never get back to normal? But I like normal. I like the way things used to be!

Good morning @janton πŸ™‚

I meant it will be a different normal, a "new normal", but we will get used of taking more care of ourselves and of the ones we love and the new normal will become a normal normal. I think that this virus will be followed by others and by mutations, but our new normal life will protect us better than the old one ... these are just my thoughts and I do hope that life will prove me wrong ;)

I hope you are well and your business is running good,
have a wonderful Sunday my friend πŸ™‚

Cheers and !BEER

Howdy sir johannpiber! I had a great Sunday, I hope you did too. Are you still restricted from traveling to neighboring countries? Surely not by now. I think you are probably correct about the new normal and more viruses coming but I too hope you are wrong. lol.

Hey @janton, here is a little bit of BEER from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!

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Howdy sir beerlover! Thanks so much, it's just what I needed!

Hey @janton, here is a little bit of BEER from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!

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