How Are You Spending Your Time?

in GEMS4 years ago

"IF I JUST had time..." "Mommy doesn't have time right now... Daddy's out of time, too..." Do we ever have enough time? In spite of numerous convinces, it seems we are often short of time. Yet each of us has twenty-four hours a day. Do we invest these hours wisely or foolishly?
A mother spends her day doing lundary, changing diapers, helping with homework, and cooking dinner. A father works eight hours a day at his job. Returning home, he mows the lawn and changes the the oil in the car. After dinner he watches the children while his wife shops for gloceries. A high school student hurries to an after-school job. Arriving home, he does hame work until 11:00 pm. Have these people wasted their time? No. Certain duties are necessary to our lives. But what are we doing with the minutes which are not used by these duties?

Some may say, "it's my time. What difference does it make what I do with it?" but the bible says, "for we must all appear before the judgement seat of christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad" (2 corinthians 5:10). We are accountable to God. This knowledge should cause us to seek God's help in determining how to use our time.

Of course time spent on sinful activities is not only a waste but also a spiritual detriment. However, what about the things which are all right? Are we spending more time on some of these than we should?

It might be helpful to ask ourselves a few questions. First, are we sensitive to the spirit of the Lord concerning the use of our time? He will be faithful to point out any areas which need improvement if we are willing to listen.

Do we spend excessive time on any one thing? Consider unnecessary overtime on the job, recreation, games, reading, exercise, hobbies, etc. While these things are not wrong in themselves, if w do them to excess, we might exclude necessary or more important things.
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I'm our stress-filled lives, rest and relaxation are vital. Remember, jesus told the disciples to come away and rest a while. But he did not tell them to stay away! A weekend of relaxation every few months is enjoyable. But if we begin to make it a weekend each month, then every other weekend, soon recreation plans for all our weekends and the evenings in between can consume every possible moment. Then relaxation could be crowding out what the Lord wants us to do.

Are we looking for wise ways to use our time? Some are obvious, such as bible study, prayer, or preparation for a Sunday school class. Others are less apparent. For example, does your church need volunteers to do janitor work, weed flower beds, or other maintenance jobs?

Do you invest time in your spouse, your children, your grandchildren, a shut-in, a new Christian? The possibilities in nurturing other people are endless. How many of us have gone to a trusted friend when a crisis develops in our lives! We knew that friend would take the time to listen and then pray with us for a solution. Do you take time to be that kind of friend?

We all have the opportunities for wise investment of our time. Yet the enemy of our souls would cause these times to be minimized or crowded out. Life is gone quickly. Each moment can be spent only once. Do we allow our days to drift by, giving no thought to the importance of what we are doing? Or are we making sure God is pleased by how we spend our time?