Follow your heart against societal standards.

in GEMSlast year

Often times when the pressure gets intense, it may just be a sign to take a break, relax and think about what you really want for yourself. It is actually very convenient for society to dictate to us what they think is good for us to do and how they think we need to behave and act.

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For instance, society has made a plan for us to be birth, go through school then graduate to get a job, after a job we are expected to get married and start a family of our own. This is supposed to be the pattern but the society begins to throw stones and hurtful words at anyone who tries to go against this pattern.

There is another pattern that prevents us from following our dreams, there was a time when only ambitions like becoming a doctor, lawyer or pilots those who think otherwise are regarded as being unserious with theit future, imagine that you are claiming to be interested in becoming a blockchain trader about 15 years ago, you would have been regarded as one who has no plan at all for the future at all, but things are different now, people are finding a lifetime occupation in cryptocurrency trading and blogging that would have been regarded as a wasteful carrer in the past.

People should really be allowed to follow their own path, they should be allowed to make their own mistakes without judging or lashing them, this is my own opinion, I do not know about yours and you can let me know what you think about it in the comment section.