Caturday: orange cats are better at keeping time than me.

in GEMS2 years ago

I thought yesterday was Saturday and today was Sunday! My sense of time has gone haywire since last month’s wave of fear-mongering on Omicron severity in my country. All the shopping malls, restaurants and markets became quiet and lonesome once again. Suddenly people were afraid to go out and life has become weird again. So, the roads and overall atmosphere of the town turned quiet just like long holiday weekends when most people went on holidays in seaside towns. Everyday atmosphere seems like weekend atmosphere which was quite disturbing to my pattern recognition mind.



On the other hand, my orange cars didn’t need a watch or alarm clock to know when to go for long nap, when to wake up for snacks and dinner. But they did get a bit confused about my disappearance every two weeks, when I had to get back to the city. I did wonder whether they knew in advance the day of my arrival so that they could be at the front door to greet me and request for some goodies. Sometimes I tried to send them some telepathic messages about my impending arrival and my warning about stray dogs so they should stay close to the garden.



I have been observing my cats’ habits and found that they liked to have a few hours roaming or hunting around the house late at night. Then they would wait in front of the door to be let in so they could go to bed for four hours before breakfast. So, my internal clock has been gradually trained to coincide with my cats’ patterns of habits! This was getting quite unsettling and weird for my internal clock. I had to deity this clock to different time geological location twice a month!



It took me a few days, in the city, to switch back to city lifestyle once again. I had no idea having cats could affect this aspect of my life! It was quite hard on the body at first. Then, by accepting the inevitable necessity, I could adapt to the new cycle of time more readily. The result had been my confusion about the day of the week! It was as if I had been living in the jungle and lost count of time. I wondered how we are going to know the time of day or which day of the weeks without clocks and mobile phones.



What would happen if there’s no electricity supply and we ran out of batteries? All the clocks and phones would stop working! After a while, people would find it difficult to know what day it is and what time of the day it could be. So, at least my orange cats would keep certain times of the day for me. They would tell me the time of the day and evening by their sleeping and eating habits. For back up, I should build a sun-dial or clock. I would have to do some research about this and see whether we could get one or build one in our garden. Solar clocks wouldn’t be useful under cloudy sky! Prepping is full of hassles and challenges. Good thing I have my orange cats as time telling backup!



Wishing you peace, good health and prosperity.

Stay strong and cheerful.


Haha I think by the looks of them, they definitely know what time dinner is. They have no troubles these guys.

Yeah! They should be on a diet soon!lol

Manually curated by EwkaW from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Thank you so much for your kind support.

Your cats are so cute, you know that you don't need to panic about time if ever comes to the shortcomings of batteries and electricity.
Also on the last photo your cat is sleeping with a tongue out, that so funny, I have a cat to and a never saw it sleeping with a tongue like that.
Have a nice day!

Thanks so much for your nice comment. I am still worried of not knowing the right time of the day.

I don’t know why my cat sleep like that! May she’s thinking of eating grilled mackerel!

They are hungry even on their sleep 😂.

Sooo super sweet 😻 .. They sure have a wonderful time living with you .. If I were a cat, I probably would spend my time with sleeping and cuddling all the day, no matter time management 🤣

These cats are always sleeping half the day away! It seems cats sleep more than 12 hours a day! Hopefully they will always be nice, loving and gentle cats among themselves. So glad to have them around!

Yay! 🤗
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They are just sleeping in comfort and with so much swag, lol.

Thanks so much for your kind comment. My cats are getting fat but still very timid!