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RE: [ENG-SPA]Madre, una preciosa gema,Mother, A Precious gem||Energy Refill #18

in GEMS3 years ago (edited)

Mothers and our creator share certain traits, God listens to our prayers, while a mother listens to our cry, God is slow to anger, mothers are patient with the immature display of our attitude, they forbear, sacrifice and have faith in their children even when others see nothing good about them..

Your entry is brilliant. I love how you highlighted the attributes of God and their similarities with women's. I believe God put a part of Himself in women, empowering us to hold the world together! Nicely written.

Thank you for the invitation. I'll get right on my entry. 🙂


Thanks for accepting my invitation. Mothers are just awesome, with the title for this week, I believe you now know you're representing God here on earth already