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RE: Misty Sunrise - Photo editing with ACDC

in GEMS3 years ago

The way things are going with Thailand and in what they are saying i do think this trip will be a go ahead really can't wait to explore them islands Phi Phi island is suppose to be spectacular in what i have seen and read.


Well, I really hope this dream will come true for you, because we all deserve a vacation and because I have never heard of these Islands and am looking forward to your photos 😊

Cheers and !BEER

Thank you @johannpiber really hope it does happen i am even saving up for a new camera so i can get great shots of these paradise islands.

👍 great, it will happen if we all believe and if we do our best 😄

Cheers and !BEER

Agree on that @johannpiber , hope you had a great weekend my is over and it was fab 👍

😁 thanks, I'm glad yours was good, and mine still lasts for a few hours till it gets dark outside 😃

Cheers and !BEER

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@johannpiber denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
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