Saturday Roast

in GEMS3 years ago (edited)

This lockdown has turned my sister in law, Les, into a baker of note.

Today we went for lunch - a delicious roast chicken and roast potatoes.

Dessert was hazelnut cupcakes with Nutella icing.

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Hazelnut cupcakes with Nutella icing

For her birthday, a few days ago she made this 4 layered cake - and decorated it so professionally with Ferrero rocher chocolates and Rafaello chocolates.

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Four layered cake

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Four layered cake

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The layers

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Date and Walnut loaf

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Roast Chicken and roast potatoes

Going to Les and Jack is like going to a top restaurant - enjoy our meals there so much.

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Wow! Please say to Les my admiration! Everything looks so delicious!

Yip it was amazing. I'll tell her.