Draw A Day : Pinky

in GEMS4 years ago


Hello friends and community,

Here is the second character from the Pinky and Spiky comics. I made this drawing of Pinky the piglet in the form of a note card. If you like it you may use it to send notes to your friends. Pinky is playing with an acorn and is adorned with decorative autumn motif. What I like about this character is her wit and charm. She is cute, orderly and funny too.To those who are not yet aware, Pinky and Spiky characters are created by our fellow Hivers @organduo and @laputis. Check them out if you love organ music and joining comics making contest. Pinky and Spiky Drawing Contest is still running up to this day. This is by far the longest running contest about comics that I know of 😉.

You will be seeing four more drawings that I made, note card style so stay tuned if you like this style of art. Collect them if you want as I am giving them free. Download and print them.

If you want to participate in this fun challenge you may visit the Draw A Day Community and see the daily drawing prompts. While you are at it might as well subscribe, engage and have fun.

I can't wait to see your entries.


Very beautiful and charming creature! Nice drawing! Keep up with the good work! 🤗

Thank you

So cute!