A short video I put together of the swallows I rescued this summer

in GEMS4 years ago

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I bought a new PC a few days ago so i decided to try out how big of an improvement it was when it came to working in Da Vinci Resolve. Didnt have anything to work on right now so i decided to paste together a few videos i shot this summer of the swallows that i rescued that fell out of their nest.

First i tried leaving them in a tree in some kind of basket but none of the adult swallows came for a whole day, there were cats roaming around, so i took them home. They were far too small to survive on their own.
I made a nest in a cardboard box so my dog doesnt mess with them.

The pain in the ass thing was that you have to feed them every 2 hours during the day. Id feed them insects if i found any but mostly it was wet dog food. You take the dry dog food and throw it in a glass of water. I didnt know at the time but when theyre small they mostly get water from food. In the first clip i feed the bird with a stick and i had to pry its beak open with a finger nail because they didnt open their mouths on their own during the first 2 days. After that it was much easier, they would ask for food and id feed them with a pair of tweezers.
I had the birds for about 3 weeks or so. The rule, according to the expert i talked to, is to release them once they can make 10 circles around the room without landing.

Once they developed their wings, started flapping in the nest i would give them a push to fly off. It took about 5-6 days till they could take off and land themselves. Once they would start flying out of the box themselves it was time to let them go.

It was a bit of a chore but it was kind of fun, until they started shitting on the walls. lol.

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Nice one 👍

Oh look at you. You do have a heart.

That was a couple months ago. Im back to normal now 😂