[ESP-ENG] Daily Micro: Protein Shopping at HiperLider, Venezuela. || Micro diario: Compras de Proteína en HiperLider, Venezuela.

in GEMS4 years ago


Fotografía de mi autoria.


¡Holaa, amigos de Hive, y todo el mundo! Hoy he querido traer algo diferente, un micro vlogging (?) o micro diario, aprovechando que documente las compras realizadas por mi familia en HiperLider, Maturín.

Bien es sabido que muchos de los grandes abastecedores de comida y productos de primera necesidad, con la situación del país, han desmejorado o incluso cerrado sus instalaciones en algunos estados. Pero otros han surgido; este es el caso de HiperLider, luego del cierre de Sigo, en la ciudad que resido, Maturín, abrieron este nuevo SuperMercado, que subasta bastante bien a la población Monaguense, resultando incluso de gran competencia al famoso SuperMercado Unicasa.

Sin más que decir, comencemos el viaje.

Hello, friends of Hive, and everybody! Today I wanted to bring something different, a micro vlogging (?) or daily micro, taking advantage of the fact that I document the purchases made by my family in HiperLider, Maturín.

It is well known that many of the big food and staple suppliers, with the situation of the country, have deteriorated or even closed their facilities in some states. But others have emerged; this is the case of HiperLider, after the closing of Sigo, in the city where I live, Maturín, they opened this new SuperMercado, which auctions off quite well to the Monaguense population, resulting even in great competition to the famous SuperMercado Unicasa.

Without further ado, let's start the journey.



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En el estado Monagas, actualmente se mantiene una normativa que establece que, una semana habrá flexibilización para el libre transito de la población de parroquia a parroquia, y otra estricta o "radical" como fue denominada, en la que los comunes -a menos que tengan una aprobación- no podrán cruzar los limites de las parroquias. Esto como medida de prevención contra el covid-19.

Por lo tanto, al vivir mi familia y yo en la otra punta de la ciudad, no tenemos de otra que esperar esa semana de flexibilización. Llegamos a ella, y decidimos ir a comprar algo de proteína que nos faltaba.

Es sabido que las colas de gasolina en el oriente del país, están siendo un gran impedimento para el transporte de los ciudadanos... Sin embargo, el vital combustible del auto se consiguió, y tomamos carretera.

In the state of Monagas, there is currently a regulation that establishes that one week there will be flexibility for the free movement of the population from parish to parish, and another strict or "radical" as it was called, in which the common people, unless they have approval, will not be able to cross the boundaries of the parishes.

Therefore, as my family and I live on the other side of town, we have no choice but to wait for that week of relaxation. We arrived there, and decided to go and buy some of the protein we were missing.

It is known that the gasoline queues in the east of the country are a great impediment to the transportation of citizens ... However, the vital fuel for the car was obtained, and we took to the road.



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Así se ve HiperLider recién entrando. Es fácil distraerse con tantas torres de productos. Yo admito que sería esa persona que revisa el precio de cada producto, cuando solo va a comprar que si un arroz o harina.

Por eso mi mamá cumple un rol importante en las compras. Ella no se distrae, y se enfoca en lo importante. Y las prioridades ese día eran las proteínas... Sin embargo, ni ella pudo evitar que paseáramos y viéramos algunas cosillas.

ADVERTENCIA: Definitivamente no es un lugar al que ir con niños traviesos, sabiendo la cantidad de torres que se encuentran.

This is what HyperLider looks like just now. It's easy to get distracted with so many product towers. I admit that I would be that person who checks the price of each product, when you are only going to buy that if a rice or flour.

That's why my mom plays an important role in shopping. **She doesn't get distracted, and she focuses on what's important. **And the priorities that day were protein. However, even she couldn't stop us from walking around and seeing a few things.

WARNING: It's definitely not a place to go with naughty kids, knowing how many towers there are.



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Gif realizado desde PhotoScape.

Contábamos con un presupuesto de 5.000.000 Bs. Lo cual era, más o menos, 10$ a la tasa de ese día.*

Mi mamá se esfuerza siempre por hacer la mejor elección de productos. A ella le lleva cierto tiempo elegir el mejor pollo, o los mejores huevos -porque sí, se fija cuales están más grandes o sucios- si la carne en bandejas se ve fresca... Son detalles que la hacen la mejor en lo que respecta a compras.

Y cuando al fin toma lo primordial que encabeza su lista mental; carne, pollo, huevos, mortadela. Entonces toma algunas cositas que cree necesario llevar.

Cuando era niña ese era el momento perfecto para meter al carrito dulces.

We had a budget of 5,000,000 Bs. which was, more or less, $10 at the rate of that day.*

My mom always strives to make the best choice of products. It takes her some time to choose the best chicken, or the best eggs -because yes, she looks at which ones are bigger or dirtier- if the meat on trays looks fresh... These are details that make her the best when it comes to shopping.

And when she finally takes the primordial thing that tops her mental list; meat, chicken, eggs, bologna. Then she takes some little things she thinks she needs to take with her.

When she was a child that was the perfect time to put sweets in the cart.



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Ya con los productos adicionales en el carrito, procedemos a pagar y salir victoriosos de nuestra misión.

Con la compra de:

  • Carne Pulpa Negra Molida; 399.750,00 Bs.
  • Pollo Entero; 1.593.720,00 Bs.
  • Repollo Blanco; 166.725,00 Bs.
  • Cartón de Huevos; 1.225.000,00 Bs.
  • Harina de Maíz; 297.000,00 Bs.
  • Mortadela de Pollo; 725.000,00 Bs.
  • Cilantro Limpio; 117.691,00 Bs.
  • 2 Bolsas; 15.517,24 Bs.

Total más IVA: 4.542.886,00 Bs.

Y así culminaron nuestras compras de aquel día.

With the additional products in the cart, we proceed to pay and be victorious in our mission.

With the purchase of:

  • Black Ground Meat; 399.750,00 Bs.
  • Whole Chicken; 1.593.720,00 Bs.
  • White Cabbage; 166.725,00 Bs.
  • Egg Carton; 1.225.000,00 Bs.
  • Corn flour; 297.000,00 Bs.
  • Chicken Mortadella; 725.000,00 Bs.
  • Clean Cilantro; 117.691,00 Bs.
  • 2 Bags; 15.517,24 Bs.

Total plus VAT: 4.542.886,00 Bs.

And so ended our shopping that day.


Si llegaste hasta aquí, te agradezco mucho la lectura, y espero haya sido de tu agrado, ¡se les quiere!

If you made it this far, I thank you very much for the reading, and I hope it was to your liking, they are loved!

Traducción hecha en: DeepL

Gif realizados desde PhotoScape

¡Se despide Laura QCh! / Laura QCh says goodbye!



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Si quieres saber más de mi, aquí te dejo mis redes sociales.







Hey, I am curious. Are you saying 5,000,000 BS is 10 $? Why do I see it like this? is it because there is two exchange rates?


Hi, friend, thanks for reading.

Yes, indeed. There are two currency exchanges: the official dollar and the parallel dollar.

But this did not differ much in price, it is almost the same. And common people prefer to change to the parallel dollar, because many businesses take this as a reference for their prices.

5.000.000,00 Bs to that day, I know it sounds like a huge amount, but inflation makes the currency devaluate every day. And so really amounts like that, don't mean anything.

What you see in the image you sent, is a lie.

This is the truth. Thank you for your interest, a big hug from Venezuela!

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I didn't know tengo but I know other place.

I share your story to my twitter because I wanted to show how socialism doesn't work and currencies have been one of my interest. In general media when they see Venezuelan they only see the regular converter and that is the "official" dollar. Not many knows about the other parallel dollar but in that website it's also mentioned.

So don't take it the wrong way. My intention was only showing how socialism doesn't work and how the official has tried to hide the truth from everyone else. Cheers.

I don't take it badly, friend, rather thank you for giving a little visualization to this problem that my country carries.

Thank you very much for your interest, from Venezuela, many greetings!

You're welcome. Please keep continue sharing your life there. Hive has helped many of us see the truth.

excelente chica ,me alegra que pudieran calcular el precio y calzara para lo necesario super importante eso ,un abrazo cuídate.

¡Gracias, amiga! Mucha razón, ¡saludos!

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Curated by @blessed-girl


Enhorabuena, su "post" ha sido "up-voted" por @dsc-r2cornell, que es la "cuenta curating" de la Comunidad de la Discordia de @R2cornell.

Hace 3 años que salí de Venezuela y no estaba muy bien informada con respecto a la tasa de cambio y los precios. Sin embargo, me alegra saber de qué estés bien y qué tengan la posibilidad de abastecerse aunque sea un poco. ¡Buen post! Muchas bendiciones. ♥

¡Gracias, amiga, aprecio tu comentario, interés y bendiciones! Me alegra que te haya gustado, y muchas bendiciones también para ti a donde sea que estés ¡saludos! :3

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