Lego creativity

in GEMS4 years ago (edited)

What's the whole catch to play along with your children and create unique toys made from #lego?

I can tell you ...

First of all, you are spending the most precious time with them :-) and secondly, you are re-discovering the imagination within'you and your children :-)

I've thought to present you some of our latest creations in matter of lego creativity and here we go ...

The following futuristic machines are from different episodes with our unique Star Wars ideas ...

For instance, the first machine we've bulit was the "Moorish desert machine"


I think it turned out into a very interesting model of a machine that might be a cool desing for our Future ... especially if we would live inside a Desert :-) Its design was a created by Tusken Raider, which is a perfect "Touareg of the Desert" ...

The superb team which consists in Jedi Yoda, Obi Wan Kenobi, Tusken Raider, Luke Skywalker and D2-R2 is the perfect example of comrades that would truly serve each other and would be together in every situation ...

The second machine was quite a challenge ...

Its name is "Moorish Megalodon" ...

It's an impressive and much complex machine, which has the ability of flying as well.


This one was a concept of Obi Wan Kenobi, who wanted to build something with the ability to fly over the Moorish Desert from the famous Marsoom planet ...

I think he came up with a very unique machine for their team.

The third one was a spaceship, designed created by Jedi Yoda, with the possibility of using the teleportation through the power of the Kyanite crystal and also to use the energy and speed for its engine, using this powerful crystal ...


This was the chamber where, through the power of the kyanite crystal you could teleport anything ...


I think this kind of episodes, based on the old series of Star Wars, will predict somehow the Future and in a not so distant Time frame we'll might have the chance to see some of these unique designs for spaceships :-)

I think that only the Time will tell and show use these new formats of spaceships, new tribes within the heart of the encrypted Moorish desert and different races within futuristic societies, which will might live inside of metropolises that will host billions of entities ...

Hope you'll have a blessed day, no matter if you're living inside a desert or a metropole or a small village ...