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RE: Will Inflation "really" End...???

in GEMS2 months ago

(Who's impressed with my Blogs...???)hahahaha, Excuse my smile, I read this question and I imagine you waiting to see what those of us who arrived here say, I could even say that you are asking it sarcastically, I better NOT think anything and I wish you a happy Easter :)
A hug


Somehow, I just don't picture many people reading my posts... They all seem to think I say the exact same thing in ever It's true the my writing does tend to be about the same old "Silver this" and "Gold that"... Silver, Silver, Silver and Gold, Gold, And then there's always a question about "what will we use to make change"... I do have a message, and I feel compelled to let people know what I see coming... No one can say I didn't try to give people a heads up... Some of the things I write, don't make any sense to some people... I'm guessing that much of what I write gets skipped over... I try to write in a way to make people understand, but without many replies, it's very hard for me to tell who reads what I write... I wish you and yours a Wonderful Easter Sunday... It's probably already Monday where you live, but I wish you well anyway...