Listening to music is very important for the body as well as the mental health.

in GEMS4 years ago

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Hello my fellow Hivers,

What's up all? I hope you're in good health and spending your valuable time on Hive blockchain. Music has a great deal of physical and mental health. But nowadays lot of younger listening rock music. I didn't mentioned about rock music here. I mentioned here what kind of advantages get through listening simple and classical music.

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hello dear friend @madushanka good night
You are very right, dear friend, music is a great companion, it has therapeutic effects, and there is also music for every mood, I really love music, as a teenager I loved sleeping with music on
I take the opportunity to wish you a wonderful night and a beautiful Sunday

I'm really happy to hear you're very interesting to classical music. Every therapeutic effects has through classical once. But nowadays more people prefer to large noises of DJ musics. It not gives us mental and physical boost. It gives us anxiety, anger etc..
Have a good night dearest friend @jlufer

you are very right dear friend @madushanka, the music that today's boys listen to is very invasive, it alters our systems
have a wonderful sunday