Charlie Lee: "Litecoin will have privacy features next year".

in GEMS4 years ago

Founder of Litecoin Charlie Lee said that next year the developers plan to introduce features to increase the confidentiality of transactions in the blockchain.
Charlie Lee, the founder of Litecoin, said in an interview that now users are increasingly attracted to the functions of increasing transaction confidentiality. According to him, the developers of Litecoin have already tested such tools and plan to deploy them on the main network next year.

"I want to make sure that users don't have to give up their financial privacy when using Litecoin," Lee said. "Even if you're not doing anything illegal, you don't want people to know how much money you have or what your salary is.

This month, Litecoin developers launched the MimbleWimble protocol on a test network, which reduces the amount of publicly available data by using "expansion blocks" to help hide transaction input and output data. The introduction of new privacy features may be another chance for Litecoin to emphasize its difference from Bitcoin.

"I don't think Bitcoin will go down that path because it's a pretty big change," Lee said.