My name is Dickson, welcomed to Hive

in GEMS4 years ago

Hey guys,
I am Dickson MarioBlaise from Nigeria. Got to know about this platform and how amazing it is through a friend and I said to myself, "hey why not try this" and here I am. Hope I am welcomed? 😉

A little about myself:
I am the second and last child from a family of two.


A small family though, but a happy one. My brother and I have remained best buddies though we fight and argue allot we never forget each other.

One uniforming factor between the two of us is that we are both lovers of football and have one team in which we celebrate. .

My hubbies:
Basically I love football and analysing it is kind of fun. But something else I love besides football and food ( yeah I know what you are thinking, "food is not a hubby" but I love eating too😋) is the game of Chess.

I so much love the game of Chess that I can spend a whole day playing without knowing how much time has passed. To brag a little I call myself a grand master in the game but deep down I know that's the height I want to reach in the game.


Something I love doing also is smiling for the Camera.



Modeling would have been nice to try but I guess they hadly smile in pictures so it's not an option for now.

Having fun is what I love doing which is why I don't joke with friendship.


Other things I love to do:

Meditation is something I love to do as a time of solitude is a time for life reflection.

I love work of art and people who use photography to redirect the mind. Basically I love pictorial reflection.

In the Nigerian educational system, I spent 6 years of primary school, 6 years of secondary, 4 years in the university studying philosophy and currently working towards acquiring my second degree.