International Market

in GEMS4 years ago (edited)

I needed to drive down to the city and while I was at it I thought I could drop by the international market there. It's an event held between today and Sunday.


Northbound on the main street, Vesijärvenkatu. I'm now arriving at the highest point of the esker here. It's much higher to the west.


Up the hill towards the hospital


The city hospital




Down the hill towards the theater and the market right next to it where the international market is. Notice the water tower on top of the hill in the distance.


This is a view from the market. No crowds, which is a good thing because of the epidemic.



Every possible flavor of licorice


Spanish churros


The Fudge Factory was from Manchester, England.



A very English attitude!







A fudge hill to die on!



This wonderful thing is six-year-old Dutch gouda. Loved it! The guy at the counter said these are not exported because they have to be turned every two weeks for six years and that's expensive. The goudas we get in the supermarkets are usually Polish or German made.

I told him I've seen documentaries on Dutch vegetable farms automated to an extreme degree. Massive facilities. I suggested automating the cheese turning, too!


Awesome! Very nice pictures! It looks a bit like a funfair here in Holland. We call it a 'Kermis' :p.

It had that one attraction in the part that I was able to visit before I had to leave. The purpose of this event is primarily to sell foreign foods.

Wow! Too much to eat!

Yep! That fudge bus was impressive!

I have a tornado in my mouth 😀. How good these sweets look...
What camera do you use?

The close-ups were taken with my Nikon D3400.

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