La grulla de papel / The paper crane - Stopmotion

in GEMS2 years ago

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La grulla de papel,
llegó buscando que comer,
encontró una bolsa de pan
e ingresó sin preguntar

No sé qué pasó adentro,
pero hubo mucho movimiento,
parece que la grulla se quedó atorada
porque un pan rodeaba su garganta.

Y cuando intento volar,
no se pudo elevar,
pesaba de más,
alguien la debía salvar.

Pero, la ayuda no llegó,
y la grulla busco solución,
dejó de volar
y se puso a nadar,
porque el pan la ayuda a flotar.

The paper crane arrived looking for something to eat, the animal found a bag of bread and entered without asking. I don't know what happened inside, but there was a lot of movement, it seems that the crane got stuck because a loaf of bread was wrapped around its throat.

And when it tried to fly, it couldn't get up,
it was too heavy, someone had to save it.
But, help did not arrive, and the crane looked for a solution, stopped flying and began to swim,
because bread helps it to float.

Stopmotion y cuento original de
Margarita Palomino

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