Una gota de agua / A drop of

in GEMS2 months ago

Una gota de agua se perdió
y muy sola se quedó;
sin ninguna preocupación,
al suelo cayó,
de forma veloz
y en muchos trozos se fragmento.

A drop of water was lost
and was left all alone;
without a care in the world,
it fell to the ground,
quickly, it fell to the ground
and fragmented into many pieces.


Eso no fue un problema,
los trozos de agua se acercan,
se forma una gota nueva,
eso sí, cambia su apariencia
y queda como una ameba,
sin su forma perfecta.

That was not a problem,
the water chunks get closer,
a new drop is formed,
but it changes its appearance and looks like an amoeba
and remains as an amoeba,
without its perfect shape.


Intenta al cielo regresar,
a la lluvia quiere encontrar,
pero, su forma nueva no logra volar
y se sienta a llorar,
con desconzuelo de más,
angustiada por lo que vendrá.

It tries to return to the sky,
to the rain it wants to find,
but, his new form fails to fly
and sits down to cry,
with more than her share of grief,
anguished for what is to come.


Y lo que viene es bueno,
las lágrimas se unen en el suelo,
forman alas de atractivo cuerpo,
caminan hacía la que llora sin consuelo
y ahí se posan,
para que la gota de agua regrese al cielo.

And what is to come is good,
the tears join on the ground,
form wings of attractive body,
they walk towards the one who cries without consolation
and there they land,
so that the drop of water returns to the sky.




Stopmotion y cuento original de Margarita Palomino.
Colombia, abril del 2024


Nice work my friend 👍🏾 @tipu curate

Nice exposition of the rain and how it comes it rains, thanks for sharing this piece dear friend.