Old Orangutan - Animal Series

in GEMS4 years ago

Hi all!

Today, I continue my practice and exploring different animals and species. This time, I drew a animal from the ape family called Orangutan.


These animals are found in the rainforests of Borneo and Sumatra. They are great apes native to Indonesia and Malaysia.

Along with other apes, their favourite diets are fruits but they are the most solitary of the great apes with profound bounds occurring mainly between mothers and offsprings who stay together for over a year. Orangutans are highly intelligent animals and can live for over 30yrs. Source

This work depicts an old orangutan with scares on his face. He looks so sad.



Thank you.


A pesar de que los orangutanes suelen dar temor por su apariencia, este que dibujaste me parece muy tierno en su mirada. Gracias por compartir tu arte que me encanta siempre? Un abrazo y mi cariño para ti! Querido @maxwellmarxusart. Disculpa que escriba en español, no tengo acceso al traductor en este momento,.pero quise dejarte este mensaje.

Posted using Dapplr

Muchas gracias cariño. Se siente tan bien ver tu comentario después de un tiempo. Me alegro de que siempre ames mi arte.
Que tengas un gran día.

Great 😍

Thank you!🤗

Why is he sad? 😢
Did he loss a baby?...