A workaholic cannot sit still.

in GEMS3 years ago

Hello Hiveians

Happy new day and a bright week ahead. Its so unusual for me to sleep past my waking time and instead of getting up by past 5 to prepare my siblings for school I just opened my eye to realize that they are on their way already, all thanks to my young brother should stood in gap for me.

My immune system got weakened from a long section of painful sickle cell crisis during the weekend something I will probably like to talk about next time, maybe I just needed some more rest and sleep to regain some strength, my body really needs rest, but my mind cannot I cannot sit still or do nothing all day, am just the workaholic my body is used to.

Does anyone feel the same way, always wanted to be useful even when you are helpless?...




Hoping to get better soon.


Get well soon. Send you some !LUV

Hi @monica-ene, you were just shared some LUV thanks to @lxsxl. Holding 10 LUV in your wallet enables you to give up to 3 LUV per day, for free. See the LUV in your wallet at https://hive-engine.com or learn about LUV at https://peakd.com/@luvshares https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmUptF5k64xBvsQ9B6MjZo1dc2JwvXTWjWJAnyMCtWZxqM

Am more like that as well, always want to get things done instead of someone doing it for me.
Get well soon dear.

Thanks dear...

You're welcome

Good to see you

Same here, hope you are great

I feel guilty when I'm not busy too 😄

Rest well, it's necessary