in GEMS3 years ago

Hellooooo !!!! My name is Keyla, I am 49 years old, I am Venezuelan, I live in Maturín, Monagas state, Venezuela, I am a single mother with two children, 18 and 20 years old. I am a Chemical Engineer and I work as an Engineer in the area of ​​Industrial Safety.

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To tell the truth, I really enjoy cooking, I love doing exercises outdoors and practicing some basic yoga postures, I am a home woman and I love to share with my family. Unfortunately I had to leave the Yoga study center motivated by distance and for economic reasons, thank God where I live I have a walk around a beautiful lagoon where there are fish and a Baba or a species of alligator, I fully enjoy the sunrises there listening to the singing of the birds. Nature is beautiful and I enjoy it, I charge my energy every day that I go out very early in the morning, I have even had the opportunity to contemplate the sky when the morning is still dark (at dawn) and enjoy nature shows such as looking at the stars. moving at high speed while others remain motionless, it is an indescribable sensation that I enjoy in the mornings.

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I like to dance and sing although I am aware of not doing it very well I enjoy it to the fullest, I inherited this from my father who was a musician by nature, he played four and guitar and also sang

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I like to travel, get to know other cultures and ways of life, its gastronomy is super interesting to know that despite the distance you can find meeting points between cultures.

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I feel blessed, for all the things I have received, for my children, family and friends.

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My maternal grandfather was of indigenous descent and he instilled in me the use of natural medicine, so I have a lot of faith and trust in her.

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I want to tell you something about my life, when I was in school and even in college, I was not interested in exercising, I took advantage of a health condition to avoid exercise, I always told myself that this was not for me, I could not bear it the sweat. ...... with the passage of time, once I was over 40 years of age things began to change, my job at that time was exhausting and stressful so I began to experience anxiety and stress.

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A person I adore, a sister in life to me, suggested that I could do yoga and that it would help me. Out of curiosity I went to a Yoga center and my life definitely changed until the sun today, all this as a result of the well-being that I began to experience in my health. In addition to the health benefits, I began to experience other effects on my body, that is, I began to lose a few extra pounds. Of course, it is essential to incorporate a change in the style or way of eating. It is there where I flicker with some ease, as I told you before I like cooking and I love eating what I prepare.

I try to walk as much as I can, do some exercises.

It is the first time that I participate in a community of this nature, therefore I hope to humbly contribute my experiences, experience and knowledge as well as learn from the information of other members who wish to share here.

I wish every day to develop better skills that allow and facilitate my interaction in this prestigious virtual community Hive Blog, my greetings and, my respects to all the creators of this website who open a window to the world to integrate people despite distances and other things


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Thanks a lot for the suggestion! I'll keep it in mind

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Hive Power Up Day - April 1st 2021 - Hive Power Delegation

Welcome to Hive! 😊

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Working for starstrings01 😂😂😂

🤣 I knew I will get a comment from you. Hehehe, just helping Smi-le server out. 🙂


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