
in GEMS4 years ago

grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.
The prayer of Reinhold Niebuhr, where he asks for character traits someone with resilience should have.
Life will come with it's obstacles, but we should not give up. Keep focusing on your goals and be flexible. Bruce Lee adviced us to be like water. Constantly improve based on the situations you face.

Other valuable lessons we receive from both Buddhism and Stoicism is to have control of our emotions. Keep your ego small and have your negative emotions in check.
Meditation helps us focus on how we feel and what we think. Epictetus said Men are disturbed not by things, but by the view which they take of them. With meditation we can learn to be present and be grateful for what it offers. It is only in the present that we truly are alive.

Gary Vaynerchuk has a practice where he visualizes that his loved ones have died. Marcus Aurelius als meditated on worst scenarios. The purpose is to focus possible negative events but not to be scared of or dwell on it. Because everything will come to an end. This way you prepare yourself and you also appreciate what you currently have.
Because we are blessed every day we wake up.