Take a break- Get back to basic!

in GEMS4 years ago

We often find it difficult to go with the track. And to be on the right track we rush so much, sometimes we lose the track also. It happens both in our work or personal life. When we got a huge to-do list, instead of making the priority list, we usually rush to meet all of them. It's normal to stress out at the end. That's why we sometimes need to take a break and go back to our basics.



Did you ever give it a try to do your initials rather hurrying to finish it?

I used to do it all the time until I came to know how counterproductive it is. Working in multiple aspects doesn't always make us perfect or help to be more productive rather it destroys our creativity and workability sometimes. That's why moving back to basic become very necessary.

Try to finish what you can do now instead of starting everything at once.

Take some little steps instead of hurting to finish in the dateline.

Build a sustainable routine to do your work so they can be done on time.

Include this practice in your daily life. The main thing to focus on is 'keeping it simple, keeping it basic.' like, instead of moving into a new diet, focus on your current portion size and food habit.

We have to understand that rush finish something to get the result as fast as we can is not always helpful. Especially when you are trying to have a peaceful and happy life. Just take a break and evaluation of your working process. Keep it simple and basic to move forward. It may not be the fastest way but it will create a long term positive impact.


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