Christmas Card 🌲⛄

in GEMS8 months ago

Hello how are you, I want to wish you a happy December, it is the last month of the year, we lived many bad experiences and many good experiences and it was a year of learning, the truth is that we have all gone through difficult situations, but next year everything will change, not everything bad will be forever.

This Christmas I have had a very good idea to give gifts to the people in the hospital, I made many different cards to give a little joy in difficult times to the people.

Today I finished them all, it took me a week to make these beautiful cards by hand so it took me a little longer, I still need to add the writing.

The first idea I had was to make a Christmas tree with a lot of mountains on the back, a snowy landscape will draw a lot of attention.

First, to make the card look a bit flashy and 3D, I made a circle and with the help of a scissors I cut it, this way you can open the card without any problem.

On the inside with a brush I painted the mountains, with a silver paint, I made a pine tree with a thinner brush, it is very simple to make a tree is to add spots in green color so you can make the branches, I placed fruits in red color and a little white dots to look like snow and glitter to draw attention, in the frame of the cover I made green leaves around the circle, finally I placed splashes in silver color to look like snow.

Here you can see how the card is finished, they are very nice and striking, I made many different ones but this is a model and I really liked it because it has this landscape that attracts a lot of attention and with the message that I am going to place on the inside it will be even prettier.

It really makes me happy to do good things for people, if I had money I would help people much more, but with the little I have I will make happy the people who really need it.

I hope you like it, thanks for always supporting me.

Until next time