El misterio del caso del Km 70 // The mystery of the case of the Km 70

in GEMS4 years ago (edited)

Fuente de imagen de pixabay

Nuestro mundo está lleno de misterio que ninguna ciencia, ha podido dar respuesta a todas estas eventualidades del mundo paranormal, como es caso de Km 70 que lo hace muy enigmático, Carlos era un padre de familia muy trabajador, este vivía en pueblo llamado “La Soledad”, un pueblo muy pintoresco por sus paisajes y pino, pero Carlos para ir para su trabajo todos los días tenía que conducir y pasar por la curva del Km 70, en unas de esa noche Carlos se le hizo un poco tardes para regresar a su casa, al momento de tomar la curva ve a una joven que vestía una falda de con una franela amarilla, pero se sorprende a esa hora de la noche que hace una joven caminado en esa curva, él le hace cambio de luces, pero nada al momento de acercar viene otro carro en el sentido contrario y lo encandila, pero al momento de ver a la joven esta ya no estaba, creyó que creación de su imaginación del cansancio de un largo día de trabajo.

Luego de una semana de lo ocurrido en esa curva, Carlos comienza experimentar unos raros sueños, en donde se le manifiesta la joven que había visto ese día, en el cual ella le señalaba un sitio, pero más misteriosos es que este hombre era atormentado por varios días, en un domingo por la mañana va para la panadería a comprar algunas cosas y le pide a la cajera que también le venda el diario de la semana, sorpresa para Carlos es que aparecía la foto de la joven de sus sueños, solo se preguntaba porque sueña y ve a esa joven misteriosa, se le ocurre ir para la policía a decirle los hechos, pero más bien lo tomaron como un demente o que estaba tomado, pero ante de irse se le acerca un detective le ofrece su número, ya que se encarga de investigar desapariciones, Carlos de tanto desprecio y desorientado busca el camino a dios, va para la iglesia, se consigue con el padre, le comenta los hecho, este le participa hay momento de nuestra vida que necesitan de nuestra ayuda, pero no sabemos cómo tomarlo, luego de una larga charla Carlos regresa a su casa con su familia para descansar, pero los sueños continua perturbando su paz.

Al siguiente día este espera que sea de noche toma su carro y se dirige hacia la curva del Km 70, para resolver sus misterio al momento de llegar, sin darse cuenta la misteriosa joven la tenía sentada en el asiento de atrás le señala un lugar, pero se voltea a verla esta vuelta un cadáver y le señala un lugar, el hombre lleno de miedo llama al detective, este lo espera que llegue, al momento de llegar, le cuenta quedando sorprendido, no todo quedaba ahí, los dos van hacia el camino que la difunta joven la había dicho, lo más macabro que ella esta con ello Carlos era quien la podía ver lo guía hacia un sitio, donde había mucha ramas y un montículo de puros arbusto pequeños, entre más se acercaba el olor a podrido era muy fuerte, entre los dos descubre quitando todo y encuentra el cadáver de la joven, esta estaba vestida tal como la describió Carlos, se evidencio que fue brutalmente acuchillada y el cuchillo lo tenía clavado en su pecho.

La difunta le dieron una sepultura digna agracias a su familia, en el cuchillo habían rastro del asesino que sirvió para detenerlo de este macabro asesinato, Carlos volvió a tener paz nuevamente.

The mystery of the case of the Km 70

Our world is full of mystery that no science, response could have given to all these contingencies of the paranormal world, since case of Km is 70 that makes it very enigmatic, Carlos was a very hard-working father of family, this one it was living in people called “ The Solitude ”, a very picturesque village for his sceneries and pine, but Carlos to go for his work every day had to drive and to spend for the curve of the Km 70, in a few of this night Carlos did him to him little evenings to return to his house, to the moment to take the curve he sees a young woman who was dressing a skirt of in a yellow flannel, but it is surprised at this hour of the night that a young woman does travelled in this curve, he does to him change of lights, but nothing to the moment to bring over comes another car in the opposite sense and bewilders it, but to the moment to see the this young woman it was already not, he believed that creation of his imagination of the fatigue of a long working day.

After a week of the happened in this curve, Carlos begins to experience a few rare sleep, where there demonstrates him the young woman who had seen this day, in which she was indicating to him a place, but more mysterious is that this man was tormented for several days, in a Sunday morning he is going for the baker's to buy some things and asks the cashier also to sell to him the newspaper of the week, surprise for Carlos is that there was appearing the photo of the young woman of his sleep, only he was wondering because he dreams and sees this mysterious young woman, it happens to him to go for the police to say to him the facts, but rather they took it as an insane person or that was taken, but before of going away him approaches a detective offers him his number, since it takes charge investigating disappearances, Carlos of so much scorn and disorientated he looks for the way to god, goes for the church, is obtained by the father, mentions on them to him done, this one informs him there is moment of our life that they need from our help, but we do not know how to take it, after a long chat Carlos returns to his house with his family to rest, but the sleep it keeps on disturbing his peace.

To The following this day he hopes that capture should be at night his car and 70 goes towards the curve of the Km, to solve his mystery to the moment to come, without realizing the mysterious young woman had her seated in the seat of behind it indicates to him a place, but it turns round to seeing this one turned a corpse and indicates to him a place, the man full of fear calls the detective, this one it waits that I came, to the moment to come, tells him remaining astonished, not everything was staying there, the two go towards the way that the young deceased had said it, the most macabre thing that this she with it Carlos was who could see her guides it towards a place, where there was great branches and a hillock of cigars shrub small, between more the smell was approaching to rotted very strong age, between the two it discovers removing everything and finds the corpse of the young woman, this one was dressed as Carlos described it, I demonstrate that it was brutally stabbed and the knife had it fixed in his breast.

The deceased they gave him a worthy grave you adorn his family, in the knife there was track of the killer who served to stop it of this macabre murder, Carlos had peace again again.
