Fresh Air and Sunshine 👣

in GEMS4 years ago (edited)

"Some old-fashioned things like fresh air and sunshine are hard to beat."

-Laura Ingalls Wilder


The highlights of my days now more than ever before because of self isolating due to the Coronavirus pandemic are taking refreshing and peaceful Springtime walks. These two feet of mine enjoy walking and I don't even realize how many steps were walked till I look at my Fitbit.


This useful pathway was created as a bonus part of a road expansion project. The primary purpose of the project was to reduce drastic dips in the road and add a much needed turn lane to the busy two-lane road. The finished pathway was supposed to go from the subdivision where I live all the way to the district elementary and middle schools. Though the city completed Phase 4 of the road project, the pathway has yet to be completed. My father would have referred to this as "your tax dollars hard at work" and shook his head.

On the 50th anniversary of Earth Day today we are going to walk to the top of the path and take in the scenic views along the way at dusk.


I appreciate and have the utmost of respect for neighbors who keep their landscape trimmed and immaculate.


Pops of color from the blooming Redbud trees are accented by the setting sun and silhouettes from the treeline.



Two areas along the pathway cross over creeks. Rainfall has been light in recent days, thus there is only a trickle of water today. Fortunately there is enough to create the soothing sound of flowing water I love to hear.

Click on image to enlarge

Another gorgeous view as the sun sets...


Well folks, congratulations! We made it to the top of the pathway and here is the amazing view looking back. That was a decent climb we took and I promise it will be much easier on the way back, walking downhill!


Thank you for joining me today!

I hope you enjoyed getting some fresh air as well as taking in the nature views and scenery in my neighborhood!

Please stay safe and keep healthy while you continue practicing social distancing and following local mandates during the Coronavirus pandemic.

The good news is that everyone's efforts appear to be helping flatten the curve!

Posting for #WednesdayWalk created/hosted by the incredible @tattoodjay and sponsored by wonderful @bluemist!

Also using the tag #makemesmile hosted by the lovely @elizacheng

Images taken with Samsung Galaxy Note8 smartphone

© 2020 Nina Haskin. All rights reserved

Thank you for taking time to stop by and visit my blog. I truly appreciate everyone's continued support! Stay safe & keep healthy!




#thealliance #steemusa #powerhousecreatives

Beautiful scenery

Thank you! @wolfofnostreet
Pops of Springtime colors are showing up everywhere!🌿

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Thanks for the add! @pinmapple 🌎🌐🌏

Bang, even on HIVE I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Sorry, no beers or deranged or trdo yet... waiting on steem-engine to make the move to HIVE...
Week 2 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

Thank you very much! @pixresteemer💫

What a delightful walk post thanks for taking us along

Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :)

Thanks, Jay! I appreciate tbe kind words and your support. All the best to you, my friend!💕

As song says, it's a long road. Beautiful pics