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RE: Manic Monochrome Monday

in GEMS4 years ago

Dropping by to see if you put up a post supporting your hashtag! #monochromemonday
Amazeballs -- you did!!! @old-guy-photos👏

Your pineapple photograph turned out extremely well in black and white! No hiding its identity🍍

Is that a vintage glass bottle of empty Pepsi Cola? I can't remember seeing their soda in that bottle size and shape.🧴

You know the Jeep grill image speaks to me!
I can't remember the last time I made a cinnamon bundt cake. The cake pan is somewhere in a storage box and I need to find it.

Spider webs are super cool looking especially with dew on them -- not as much fun if you unknowingly and unexpectedly walk through one.
When that happens it's my best cardio workout ever!🏃‍♀️💨🕸🕷

Here's my post:

Have a great week, Paul!💫